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I offer appointments for Notarial services at my offices in or at a place to suit you.
I offer home or office visits and out of hours’ services ,including weekends.
I am committed to providing services to my clients in as speedy and efficient a manner as possible and at a competitive cost. I will keep you informed throughout your matter and will explain the legal procedures in plain English.
Please be aware that an additional fee may be charged for travel time and costs.
Please contact me to arrange an appointment.
Notarisation may be a new experience for you and if you would like some preliminary contact please do not hesitate to phone or email for an initial discussion.
What services do you offer?
I offer a full range of Notarial services, including:
I can also deal with most other documents needed for use overseas.
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Here are some answers to the questions I am most frequently asked about the services I provide.
A Notary Public is a highly specialist lawyer who deals with documents for use in foreign countries. A Notary’s signature and seal are recognised worldwide. If you require a document to be accepted as authentic in a foreign country you may need a Notary Public to notarise that document.
The client’s signature will be witnessed and the notary will make sure that the formalities required by both English law and that of the country where the document will be used are observed.
The identity of the client must always be checked, usually by seeing various documents including a current passport or driving licence and separate proof of address (see further under “Identification” below.)
The notary will need to know that any facts stated in the document are correct and may need confirmation to that effect. One of the main purposes of notarisation is to ensure that the document can be relied upon and the notary must therefore take steps to ensure that this is so.
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Before I can carry out any work for you I have to formally identify you.
This is my professional duty as a Notary Public and also an essential part of the Anti-Money Laundering Regulations and other legislation.
I will need to see one of the following documents (in order of preference):-
I also need proof of your address. This can be satisfied by production of the driving licence original or one of the following original additional documents (not copies from internet) showing your current address:-
The first two items above in proof of address should not be more than three months old.
When I am instructed by a company or other body I will also need (in addition to the above documentation for each signatory) to see originals of the following:-
In addition for companies: Certificate of Incopororation and of any Change of Name, a copy of the Memorandum and Articles of Association, Details of Directors and Secretaries. In all instances I will be carrying out company searches, which may have an effect on the level of fees charged.
In addition for partnerships, clubs etc: A Partnership Agreement; or relevant Trust Deed; or Charter, or Constitution/Rules.
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Your documents may be written in a foreign language. If so, they sometimes come with a translation into English. If not, and particularly if you do not speak the language in question, it will be necessary for an accurate translation to be supplied by a competent translator, here or in the country where the document was prepared. I will need to be sure that you understand the contents and effect of the document.
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If you require my services you will need to make an appointment.
Please do not hesitate to phone or email me if you need an initial discussion before making an appointment. I will be happy to help.
When we have arranged an appointment for the notarisation of your documents I recommend that you take a little time in preparation as follows, please:
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Contact me for an estimate of the cost. The cost will depend on the factors below:
Please visit the contact us page to obtain a quotation.
Please refer to the above for matters relating to Data Protection, Notarial Records and related matters.
Please refer to my Terms of Business for a more detailed statement of various matters referred to above plus my Complaints Procedure, Typical Stages of a Notarial Transaction, Indemnity Insurance and Rights of Cancellation
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